Tuesday 26 December 2017

Photography is reflection of your soul.


We all have tough lives. We earn, study, work and give time to our hobbies. I am a biologist I do go for hiking and trekking to explore nature and learn from it. Anyways, I am now sharing my experience of a day out for photography last spring 2017. 

Nature is perfect and beautiful. It has discipline, Unity, love, peace, music, patterns and consistency in every aspect. It has a full code of conduct to teach us. As I live in Northern Part of Pakistan, The Swat Valley I capture moments of every animals and glimpse of every plant/tree.

So lets begin with the first photo. As you a migratory bird locally known as Bulbul (Nightingale) is waiting for insects to feed in spring season. These birds migrate from Europe/Russia in spring and breed in these beautiful valleys. They whistle sweet melodic sounds and chirp in the morning with a sunrise. They are one of the most beautiful wild birds.

Another photo is representing a farming life somewhere in the hills of Swat Valley, Pakistan. These domesticated running birds known as Chickens. They are enjoying the outside farm area. In this valley most of hilly people keep the as pets for eggs. They use their eggs either for breeding or food. Anyways, you will see hundreds of home here with chickens being kept as pets. Its famous here that small kids keep one or two chicken as pets by a specific name and grow with this culture. Now a days this hobby is limited to some extent.

Another photo is revealing the beauty of wild plant. This plant has a good medicinal value in many drugs. Although it has thorns and tough stem. Such plants are short in height and have long photo periodicity. They tend to stay redish orange and green color. Grazer never mess with these plants due to thorns. As kids we used to eat and swallow its leaves just for fun. No side effects. Further researches and study can reveal more of its facts and uses. But this photo is one of my favourites.

The next photo as you see is a mustard plant. There are songs about this flower in the folk music of Northern areas of Pakistan. It has economic values. In these valleys mustard are used as food. Some people extract from it mustard oil from its seeds using homemade machines. The buds and flower in the photo is beautiful. Its all about nature's perfection. They are similar species as found in Europe, Australia or American region. I think its use and consumption is quite similar across the globe. For me this photo means a lot.

In this photo you see a home built with mude and stones having a roof of mud. A girl is playing on roof while the colors of wall are representing the culture. Trees surrounds the house and windows are open to fresh air. To the front of this home there is a stream of fast water and has Trous (Solomon Trouts). These people use fish and vegetables mostly for food. Yogurt shake, Bread and meat are mostly used. They access to pure honey. In short, its a perfect wild life.
 But never mind just enjoy and lets move to the next photo.

Wow, this one is super amazing photo. I don't know how I captured it but I did. A honey bee is diving into the flower for nectar. This Asian honey bee which has quite good variety of honey production valley. People farm these bees by ancient principles of Apiculture. No modern techniques are used I don't Know why. But at the end honey from these valleys come to the city market and sold in recommended prices. One more thing, these bees sting very hard.
So you never mess with its hive.

You might have seen many beautiful places, but count this scenery as one of it into your memories. These are the Mankial Peaks located in North of Swat Valley. These hills are famous for lakes. Its said in the ancient Chinese manuscripts that Buddha (Padhma Sambhava) was born in a Lotus Flower lake which situated at the bottom of these snow peaks known as Mahodand (Fish lake) now. But I captured this scene at quite a huge distance.

Now, here comes the beautiful sunset of the Mingora City of  Swat valley. This city is capital city of huge population. But still it has a fresh water river, couple nearly situated valleys, some ancient remains sites, some old architecture and modern buildings/stations. In the photo you see hills which are connecting link with neighboring districts the Dir and Chitral. This sunset remains only for 20 min which beautiful. Its also one of my favorite photo.

So thank you, this was all for today. I will be keep sharing with you all more of my natural, artistic and beautiful trips. By the way, all these photos are being taken by me so ask for permission if you need them for any project.

God bless you all.


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