Thursday 28 December 2017

Photography of Nature, Pakistan.

 Photography has always been one of my favourite hobbies. I do go for hike to natural areas like hills, lakes, Rivers and meadows to see how nature is patternized. Therefore, I take no time in taking photos I just randomly capture events occurring all around me beyond its category and scale. I always keep my camera ready for taking video and photo shots. I recently took some photos, I am here sharing with you with individual details, so lets see.

This first photo was taken on river's bank in Swat valley Pakistan. In this photo you see a red dragonfly sitting on stem. It had been sitting on twig for a very long time moving its head and still yet. Those photo has been captured with Nikon D5200 DSLR and 70-300 mm Lense in macro option with a manual mode. Dragonflies are known for its unique flight principles which introduced the cobra flight in aerodynamics. These insects are incredible in flight. They have fast and sheer flight experience throughout the sea of air.

A red dragonfly somewhere in Swat valley Pakistan.

You might have seen lots of Sunsets specially on beaches but in hilly areas like Swat Valley Pakistan its pretty amazing in summer to witness these kind of sunsets. The trees, dim color of the sky, the sun and clouds gives you a perfect shot for movies. specially in songs visual production. During the sunsets the best part is chirping birds and flying birds in the sky. It gives somewhat a background music to the whole scene with disturbing its consistency and relevance. Thats why I say go and watch a sunset in every corner of the world.
A beautiful view of sunset somewhere in Swat valley, Pakistan.

Lets see next. You might have seen lots of insects but they have great diversity in Metamorphism and its adult stages. Variety of insects are found on earth's crust. They say after plants the most abundant is insects class of animals. The following insects as you see looks like a 1980's model Wagon with two divided front glasses a well designed roof and great black and orange color. Now you see nature? its amazing and beautiful. It has couple of antenna for catching may be wifi signals, I am just joking the capture surrounding sound waves and also can detect storms rain etc through humidity factors in air. But anyways  observe such natural animals and keep sharing them with the world out there.

A well patternized insect somewhere in Swat Valley Pakistan.

A bird in next photo is wonderful. Her eyes, tail and beak is exceptional. her design and  grace as you see is amazing. I captured this shot in Lorman Mississippi, USA when I was studying there in Alcorn State University, MS. This bird was waiting for some worm beside a small pond in the same area. Her eyes dragged me into herself. Nature is a perfect beauty you can deny this.

A blackbird at Alcorn State University, MS USA

This was all for today, hope to see you again with a new and different adventure ahead with some new ideas, till then take care and see you.

Thank you so much for reading.

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