Wednesday 27 December 2017

A FORGOTTEN HOLY KINGDOM- The Uddhiyan Ancient Kingdom (Current Swat Valley, Pakistan).

THE UDDHIYANA KINGDOM- A forgotten Holy Land

Swat Valley is stretched in Northen East Hilly parts of KP Pakistan. Swat is beautiful valley known as Switzerland of Asia. This valley has approximately 19 Lakes situated in higher altitudes, few steep snow peaks like the Falakser Peak and Mankial Peak, Forests, Swat river-known as Suvastu in Indian ancient manuscripts, a small capital city-Mingora, sub valleys, Treks, Skiing resorts, Hiking destinations, music and ancient remains to 4 ancient civilizations of the World.

A coin of  Mecedonian Era.


This era begins at the end of  4 Century BC. An ancient city Bazir/Baira was unearthed recently which has traces of Indo-Greek civilization during the age of Hindu King Menander and a Greek Buddhist King who ruled on this Kingdom after two centuries of alexander’s invasions as coins of Alexander’s age were excavated. Bazira is the city which was conquered by the Macedonians lead of Alexander the Great. This city has been discovered in Barikot situated near River Swat’s bank.

The ancient Baira/Bazira is spread on 12 hectares including acropolis. This city was well flourished during 3 Century BC during Mauryan period while the city walls trace back to 1100-1000 BC. This city has been a fusion to Hindu and Greek civilizations as signs have been revealed. This research has been conducted by Italian Pakistan Archaelogical Mission since 1955 while in 1984 they embrassed huge successes in uncovering this great valley. Director of Italian Mission Dr. Luca Maria Olivieri has conducted his research on this valley in many aspects. While in local authors Mr. Fazal Khaliq has written a book; The forgotten Holy Kingdom of Uddhiyana with a comprehensive details.

This place needs more exploration and excavation which might reveal much more history gold in near future. Archaeological students might have great treasure of knowledge here. Foreigners should visit and study these sites as they are open to public. A museum in Swat valley keeps all excavated materials from these sites. Some of the materials have been displayed in Rome Italy as well.

In above photo as you see a Hindu god's statue


Gandhara is Indo Aryan ancient mahajanapad (Great realm) which is these days been discovered mostly in Peshawar, Swat valley, Charsadda, Buner, Timergara etc. This was a stretched kingdom from Jalalabad, Afghanistan to the current KP region of Pakistan. This happened in the period of Achaemenid and Hellenistic period. Its capital was the modern day Charsadda, KP Pakistan but later the capital was moved to modern days Peshawar, KP Pakistan as signs has been excavated. This Kingdom survived from 1500 BC to 535 BC. Its government was a monarchy system which was succeeded by Achaeenid Empire of ancient era in 6th century BC.

According to Hindu ancient scripts Gandhara existed in Zoroastrian Avesta which states that Gandhara was the sixth beautiful place created by Ahura Mazda. But this Kingdom was also conquered by Alexander the great of Greece and became part of Maurya Empire which led to Indo Greek Kingdom. Gandhara got prosperous in Kushan Empire during 1-5th Century BC. While Buddhism thrived till 8th or 9th century followed by Muslim civilization in this area.


This civilization began almost 2300 year ago under the Mauryan King Ashok or Ashoka who was a Hindu King. Buddhism has deep roots in this valley as you will see in photos here. Here begins the story of Kingdom of Uddhiyan in this valley. The Buddhist sage Padmasambhava is said to have been born in present day Town of Chakdara at Swat valley. Padmasambhava is known as Goru Rinpoche in Tibetan who introduced Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet. Buddhism got flourished in this area including parts of Punjab Pakistan as well.

From the ancient manuscripts of Chinese travelers who crossed this valley several times at their advent to India and middle east describe this valley as the most peaceful valley with chirping birds, warm and cold springs, crytal clear water rivers, fresh air and high mountains. They have been telling in their stories that when this valley was used to be crossed during journey in the morning time bells of monasteries use to create sound like a music.


Gandara remained a largely Hindu Buddhist land until around 10th Century Sultan Mahmood of Ghazna from Aghanistan conquered this region. And he introduced Islam here as an ancient mosque of Mahmud of Ghazna has been also discovered. There was then a settlement between Muslims and Hindu-Buddhist emigrants. Most Buddhist in current days Punjab, Sindh and KP turned Hindus from 600 CE. Buddhism was practice in Sindh until in 710 CE the Arab Umayyad Caliphate conquered Sindh as well. These regions then predominantly  were muslims. From this Muslim advent again in history the Mughal Era begins lead by Delhi Sultanat. The Mughal Empire which consisted modern days Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and some parts of Afghanistan began in 1526 CE and ended in 1857.
So, as you have watched photos and read few details about this area, please help this area to be explored more and more as it has been a home to 4 great civilizations of the world i.e. The Greek, The Hindu, The Buddhists and The Muslims.

This blog is based on research work of Dr.Luca Maria Oliveiri and Fazal Khaliq.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Thanks for sharing such valuable informations.


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A FORGOTTEN HOLY KINGDOM- The Uddhiyan Ancient Kingdom (Current Swat Valley, Pakistan).

THE UDDHIYANA KINGDOM- A forgotten Holy Land Swat Valley is stretched in Northen East Hilly parts of KP Pakistan. Swat is beautiful va...