Friday 29 December 2017

Two sides of the coin- An Asian Woman

Women of Asia, a mystic individual that has been much ignored in many aspects of the society ! Women of south Asian countries mostly like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh or Nepal mostly live a life full of compromises with sons, daughters, parents, husbands, brothers and other correlated.

Mostly women in less privileged areas do have a happiest phase of life till the age of 15-18 after that as she grows up, relatives and community start putting their nose into her marriage without asking for her permission or will. Even some unfortunate couples are get married at the age of 8 or 10 and reunite after they mature up. 

Education is also not considered important for women and some stay illiterate, others graduate secondary or higher secondary and less graduate as professionals. Similarly, jobs are not well defined for women mostly women are being displayed as center of attraction on various positions.

About Health, pregnancy and fitness issue I hope very few men know the importance for women and its benefits. In fact, she has to live inside a home mostly so her most abundant world is at home.

Look! I am not being feminist and I also do accept that there are some issues with men and children as well. But look a women give birth to healthiest nation and society. So if the foundation is weak a very tall and glorious building might fall on any stage any time.

So let’s aware our community that although men and women are mostly different in many aspects but their game of success is partner base it means we have to keep balance. In one place a man gets priority and in other a women while in Education, Health, marriage, divorce, desires, wishes and will they have equal rights as men do.

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